Tuesday, March 31, 2009

MdS - Day 3 - A walk in the park? :)


Stage 2 - Znaigui circular: 35km

Quick results
Position Time
779 out of 798 08:43:26

Today started very cold, and with the sad news that Dave was still feeling ill. I think he's picked up a bug from somewhere and it is not plesant. So a quick change of tactic was necessary as both Dave and I had agreed there was no way Jack Osborne (who'd managed 1 stage of the MdS) was beating either of us!

To start with the camels where worryingly close, and but slowly but surely Dave pulled himself through, little by little, step by step. Soon the camels couldn't even be seen as we kept up our consistent walking pace.

The back of the field is definitely where the heroics are, and I was privilaged to see some incredible examples of human spirit.

As we left checkpoint 2 we had a long slog across a featureless landscape, and then some steep dunes. We could see the finish line and ran across together to much relief.

I hope when I face my dark hour I can face it with as much deterimination as Dave. More emails please, they're great to receive :)


Dutch said...

Hi Shiz,

Great to hear that you are keeping yours and other peoples spirits up.
Sorry for not posting earlier as I 've not been bloging for, can you believe, it 2 years.

Love Pete

Dutch said...

I could'nt believe the weather when Mini forwarded the blog link. Hope the shoulders are not too bad today. Will you do me one favour, for me, whilst your out there Shiz. When you are at the top of a high Dune will you look to the North and think of me?
Off now to watch a bit of Rocky.

Chelle said...

Hi there,

Keeping up to date with every blog. The mind boggles at what you guys are achieving. Glad you boys are looking after each other.

Keep your sense of humour. You're doing really well. Manchester says 'hi!'. I promise to cook you Toulouse sausages when you get back.

love Chelle x

Hairylegs said...

Hi Andy
You're our hero. Keep going.
love Phyl and Tony xx